Aburi Filoa is from Kwai Island in the Malaita Province of Solomon Islands , now resident in New Zealand. She has completed a Master of Indigenous Studies dissertation (University of Otago) on the experiences of Solomon Islands seasonal workers under the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme in New Zealand. She also holds education, anthropology and ministry qualifications. She has also researched the harvesting of natural resources for cultural use – Solomon Islands, in particularly the traditional dolphin harvesting. Other areas of interest and experience include ethnographic research, indigenous theory and method, and cultural interpretations. She has worked in the East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea. She continues to have connections with family and friends in Solomon Islands, RSE workers both in the Solomon Islands and New Zealand and also Solomon Island workers under the PALM scheme in Australia. Aburi has worked in the Solomon Islands with NGO organisations and the Government of Solomon Islands as a secondary school teacher. Aburi Filoa conducted the Kwai Island case studies for the Rising Stories project.